Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Never stop smiling, not even if your sad.
Because you never know, who might fall
in love with your smile.

The sea shall not have thee, though it caught her!

To much they complain how is thou being bidden to no see the time is changed, for a little dove can not calm the night's air with the spread of its wings, nor shall thee be able to hind in such a cold hollow place. A pitty for he to have come here all alone with no faith, lying in wait for she to be able to kiss his lips once more. Nor, nor shall any matter once the day fades away, slipping out of the sun's sky. Dark into his eyes, he weeps to see her lying face down in the deep navy sea. To far have they gone to say the least the wind is settle, and the clouds disappear. He wakes to see the sun high in the clear blue sky, watching, smiling down on him as his ship rocks to the waves. To bad it was not a dream.

To much to eat

There is to much to eat on this microscopic plate, the macrooni and cheese is falling on to me; while the pork falls on the dusty floor. Ah yes that floor which has yet to be cleaned, decaying away, leaving me to see the ground on which I will learn to stand on. To be able to not fall and hold my chin up tall. Being able to sit silently while I eat all that is on my microscopic plate.